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Disc 70% ebooks: Mastering Digital Photography only $3.25

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Books Description:

Award winning photographer Jason Youn teaches photography in a way that anyone can understand. This book is filled with information presented in a concise manner, the illustrations are simple & direct, the instructions and personal stories are invaluable, & his years of photographic expertise are evident in the advice he gives.  
Youn perfectly merges the science, art, history, and joy of photography. 

Learn all about: 
-f/Stops and Aperture. 
-Shutter Speed and ISO. 
-White Balance and Color Temperature. 
-The rules of art. 
-Color & Brightness. 
-And much more. 

Included in this book is a great section on situational tips and tricks so you and your camera can be ready to capture that once in a lifetime moment before it's gone forever. 

Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Information and Explanations 
This book contains simple, accurate explanations of camera settings and the terms associated with them.

I have always wanted to find out more about what these settings do so that I can make better use of my DSLR. This book does a good job of not only explaining the setting, but explaining the why behind what it does.

The content is great. The Table of Contents is now linked. In a reference, non-fiction book like this, a linked TOC is truly essential.

Nice illustrations were throughout.

I would recommend this book to a new photographer that wants to find out more about how to take advantage of their camera's more advanced settings.

5.0 out of 5 stars Great introduction of photography essentials
First, this book is intended for people who are new to photography. Anyone who has a DSLR and wants to learn the basics of taking a good picture should read this book. I have owned a DSLR for a while and learned about half of this book by trial and error. If I read this book when I purchased my DSLR, I would be able to take the pictures that I take today much earlier. That is not to say that this book will make you a photographer. You still need to shoot a ton in order to learn and improve the skills that this book teaches you. Once you are comfortable with the skills that the book teaches you, then reading more advanced photography books if you want to further improve your technique would be appropriate. At least, that is what I plan to do.

It is a very easy read and something that you can refer back to anytime. Every lesson is backed by a couple pictures as an example. I wish that there were more pictures of what not to do, just to demonstrate the lessons better.

I would recommend this book to any new DSLR user.

5.0 out of 5 stars photography book
absolutely love , easy to understand and learned a lot , it is a must read for newbies, I have owned a dslr for 2 years and just bought this book , and it really does a superb job of the how and why to all those settings on a dslr and how to capture different Images using the different iso,aperture and shutter speeds, great book you must reed it.