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Disc 50% ebooks: Portrait Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots only $7.49

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Books Description:

In Portrait Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots, author and photographer Erik Valind shows you how to get the best shots of your subjects–whether you’re in a studio or outdoors, at a family get-together, or at a formal event.

Starting with the fundamentals of portrait photography, including how to select the right camera settings and lenses and how to compose your shots, Erik covers building a rapport with your subject, and offers suggestions for poses that flatter your subject to achieve great shots. He then addresses the problems and opportunities of both natural and indoor light, offering ways to resolve lighting challenges of both, showing when and how to use a flash and how to add and modify light to improve the quality of your images. Finally, he walks through several portrait scenarios, including creating single-person shots such as headshots and environmental shots, and group shots such as family and wedding photos.

Follow along with Erik and you will: 

  • Learn the basics of capturing great portraits, such as focusing on the eyes, stepping back and zooming in, and turning your subject into the light
  • Evaluate focal length, compression, and working distance to select the best lens for any given shoot
  • Establish trust with your subject and provide helpful direction and feedback so they feel at ease and look their best
  • Address challenges associated with natural light such as shade and direct light–and tame or redirect the light for improved photographs
  • Improve the light with modifiers and other helpful tools such as strobes, umbrellas, and reflectors
  • Go “behind the scenes” and walk through the process of creating great portraits with two chapters of start-to-finish examples

Beautifully illustrated with large, vibrant photos, this book teaches you how to take control of your photography to get the portraits you want every time you pick up your camera.

Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars Buy This Book!
At various times I have ordered books to help me learn photography...I open them and put them down. Never to revisit.
But this book ...All I can say is thank you Erik...for taking the mystery out of photography! He really shows you step by step how to make awesome portraits.

If you purchase any book it should be this one!

I usually do not post reviews unless an author bats it out of the park and in this case he does.

I cannot exclaim enough how this book has helped me.

5.0 out of 5 stars A great value, pugt together quite well.
I am always looking to improve my work and was able to find some very clear examples that explained certain conditions such as using sun flare in great detail. You not only learn how the author conquered such obstacles, but you are given a very good explanation with before and after photos to see the difference. Very happy with my purchase.

5.0 out of 5 stars Portrait photography
Great book on ideas on how to pose what to use where to place your client.. Love books and I keep these for when I need an idea r if my mind just doesn't work anymore. Always helpful to have this kind of book on hand..